Friday, November 16, 2007

Connie, Cheryl, Barry, Todd, Colley, Melody, Dave and Mel with Ms. Emma. This is the homeowner we told you about early this week that loved her new porch and couldn't wait to get a rocking chair for it. The eight team members that worked on her home went in together and bought her a Cracker Barrel Rocker for her 81 birthday. We also made her a cake and the entire team went over and sang to her and gave her the gift. It was an incredible evening.
Chris, Chloe & Gary W, with Ms. Lenora. She went to Florida with her sister and her children stayed home with the pets to ride out the storm. The water rose about 12 feet and her family found their cover in her attic. We found it very interesting that the solid possessions that Ms. Lenora owned were all destroyed, however, her fragile prize possessions such as her old family wash basin and pitcher heirlooms were still intact

Lenora's home
Paul should be able to move in his home in time for Christmas. He and his 6 year old son, Ty, lost their home to Katrina. Paul rode out the storm for three hours on his roof. Luckily his son was safe down the street in the attic of his father's home. Gordy, Henry, Joan, Al and Jean finished Paul's kitchen and hooked up the water heater.

The guys are finishing Paul's kitchen.


Wait just a minute young lady ... is that PIZZA I see in your hand? I don't remember that on the team menu!!
Pastor Gary tried his hand with a little siding work


Joan is working on the siding
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:30-31

This Scripture is appropriate as we begin to wrap up our work projects this morning and prepare for departure tomorrow. We have worked hard yet God continues to provide energy and stamina.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


MISSING: One large Pittsburgh Steelers shirt. Color: Black. Contains slight odor from being worn five days straight. Last seen in Henry's bed Tuesday. A ransom note with demands has been located, however the owner is not yet willing to meet the demands. Anyone finding this shirt should report immediately to their local landfill and they will likely accept the article for disposal for a small fee of $50.
We are blessed to have two pastors with us on this trip.
The team went to New Orleans for dinner on Wednesday. It was an enjoyable evening and provided a good break so the team could fellowship.



Joan and a member of the Kansas team have KP


Lunch is always a welcome break
The drywall team was moved to another job today. They realized after completing about 1/3 of the drywall at Emma's house, that the framing inspection wasn't signed. Everything came to a halt and the crew moved to another drywall job.
It changed to a plumbing job rather quickly though after we cut into a water pipe and water went everywhere! Todd jumped right in, found the water main and turned it off.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

An end to a perfect day! Jean enjoys playing cards with the team.
We had the privileged of being invited to a home dedication tonight. Although we didn't work on this home, it was great to attend the dedication. Each time a home is finished there is a dedication service.
Jean holds the ladder for Joan. These two ladies have been a joy to each one of us!

After Chris and Chloe unglued Pastor Gary from the kitchen floor, they were finally able to get a little work done. This is not a joke .... I kid you not!!! HE GLUED HIMSELF TO THE FLOOR!!!
Don't jump!!
I can't believe they assigned me this joker!
The dry wall team is on a roll with Emma's dry wall!
Emma and her son shared their story with the dry wall team this morning. We looked at pictures of Emma's home that was destroyed. Tears came to our eyes as she described returning to her home. She had an old wooden rocking chair setting outside next to the shed and she explained that that was the chair she used when she had her young children. She loves her new porch and looks forward to getting a new rocking chair when the construction is done.
The team had morning devotions on the beach. The camp sits about 50 yards from the ocean. The ocean water is too contaminated to swim but it is still a beautiful view!
Praise the Lord, all His heavenly hosts,
you His servants who do His will.
Psalm 103:21
We were assigned three jobs:
Job #1 - Project Leader: Todd Rose - We are installing insulation and hanging dry wall.

Job #2 - Project Leader: Chris Kessler - Laying tile and finishing work throughout the home.

Job #3 - Project Leader: Gordy Goodwin - finish plumbing work in a kitchen and finishing work throughout the home.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Connie and Cheryl hanging insulation
Melody did a great job mastering the cut of odd shaped pieces.
Mel, Dave, Todd & Barry began hanging drywall on the ceiling while Cheryl, Connie, Colley & Melody did the insulation.
Cheryl and Emma bonded right away. Emma is a wonderful women who lost her home to the storm but has a delightful hope that shines bright. She has lived in a FEMA trailer for two years and is anxious to get in her new home. She was hoping to move in by her birthday, however her birthday is Monday and the drywall is not up yet. Emma is anxious to have her family at her home for Christmas dinner!

What shall we do?

Gary and Chloe discuss how to fix the outside light.

Hard at work.

Here is part of our team putting the finishing touches to a kitchen.
Jean is the only one on the tean who can keep the guys straight. She even caught Pastor Al cheating at cards later in the evening!! The gentlemen on the left is Bob Wallace. He and his wife are running the United Methodist Gulfside Camp for a year.
Henry, Gordy and Al putting the finishing touches on this job. This home is almost complete and will be dedicated soon.

We have arrived.

Finally, Monday morning has arrived and so have we. We arrived at Camp Gulfside at around 7:30 this morning ready to work.

Flyers were set to go.

The Flyers: After all the luggage was weighed and tagged and loaded, everyone posed for a group picture before driving to BWI to begin their trip to Waveland.

The flyers arrived to the hotel at 12:15am and were bright eyed ... NOT! It was a long day for them but they arrived in great spirits. God presented another opportunity to show His characteristics in a difficult situation. When the team arrived at the rental place to get the two 15 passenger vans, they discovered they didn't have any to rent us. We ended up with three small mini vans instead. I guess the good news is, we only have to pay for one of the three. Having the three vans might come in handy when we disperse to our separate job sites. FLEXIBILITY!

One thing for certain, we know God has a plan!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


The beds felt great after over 14 hours on the road! Nite-nite!!

God gave us a marvelous reminder of His majesty!

Colley has a full time job keeping Henry in line!!

Why are you going North, Gary? Isn't Mississippi South? Do a U-Turn up here!

The drivers were packed up and ready to go at 6:45 AM Saturday morning. We ended up back at the church 90 minutes later to pick up something we forgot. You can imagine our delight :-)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 24th was our last team meeting before the trip. We began by looking at Scripture and then discussing logistics and what to pack. We are all getting excited! Please begin praying for the team. Pray that God prepares our hearts and hands to serve Him with steadfast love for others.
Joan, Gordy, Lonnie, Terry and Colley
Gary, Dave, Jean, Al and Melody
Todd, Connie, Cheryl, Henry and Barry

Melody - The punctual one and a real encourager!

Al is all smiles! He's been a great recruiter for the team. Al is a Pastor and will pray for the "shady" guys.

Jean will bring us joy and be an inspiration to many!

Henry is one of the team members that will be driving down to help haul the tools and materials. He looks a little "shady", doesn't he? But, hey ... most slackers look this way.